Grade Tracker
Subject Name:
Grade (0-100):
Add Grade
Clear All
Average Grade:
Dark Mode
Light Mode
Ocean Breeze
Pastel Dreams
Sunset Glow
Minty Fresh
Lavender Fields
Coral Sands
Midnight Blue
Sunset Oasis
Enter Subject and Grade:
Fill in the subject name and grade, then click "Add Grade".
Edit Grade:
To edit an existing grade, click the "Edit" button next to the grade. This will allow you to change the subject and grade.
Delete Grade:
Click the "Delete" button next to any grade to remove it from the list.
Clear All:
This button will remove all grades from the list.
Average Grade:
The average grade of all entered grades will be shown below the list, automatically updated as you add, edit, or delete grades.
Theme Options:
Use the settings to choose a theme for the Grade Tracker. The selected theme will be saved and applied each time you visit the page.
Help Guide:
Click the "Help" button to view this guide at any time. You can close it by clicking the close button in the modal.